HeartFlex - Swimming Without the Water - For Stroke Rehab

Swimming builds a strong flexible body while it boosts circulation, improves endurance, and burns calories. Swimming works by combining easy resistance with multiple repetitions. HeartFlex's patented resistance assembly creates "consistent resistance" across the complete range of motion (ROM) performed yielding the identical results of swimming - without the water. |
Reestablishes balance between the left and right sides of the upper body
Improves strength
Improves flexibility and range of motion (ROM)
Boosts circulation of blood, lymph, and pulmonary
Lowers blood sugar levels
Burns lots of calories
Priority shipping and instructional DVD are included. Guaranteed to provide quick results.
HeartFlex Has Specific Attributes That Make It Essential For Home Stroke Rehabilitation And Therapy Sessions |
HeartFlex Performs Active Range of Motion (AROM) Stroke Recovery Exercise
AROM occurs when patients move their body parts without assistance. AROM promotes joint flexibility, muscle strengthening and endurance to speed stroke rehabilitation. HeartFlex stroke recovery exercise utilizes repetitions which have been found to be a primary benefit for stroke rehab exercises. |
HeartFlex Performs Active-Passive Bilateral Therapy (APBT) Arm Use Exercises For Stroke
Active-Passive Bilateral Therapy (APBT) involves using the non-affected and affected arms and hands together. It facilitates the two hemispheres of the brain working together. Physical Therapists (PTs) and Occupational Therapists (OTs) may combine this type of stroke rehabilitation exercise with other therapies to help restore arm and hand functionality. |
HeartFlex Speeds Independence When Used During Stroke Recovery
Occupational Therapists (OTs) and Physical Therapists (PTs) call this type of exercise product a "fiddle" because patients want to keep it handy throughout the day, pick it up, and "fiddle" with it. Daily use of the HeartFlex assists the stroke patient's body and mind to regain arm functionality by combining easy resistance with repetitions. HeartFlex stroke recovery equipment increases strength and flexibility when performing stroke rehab exercises. |
Strengthening Spastic Muscles Reduces Spasticity
HeartFlex is particularly useful for stroke rehabilitation as it is totally passive and lightweight. It creates easy "consistent" resistance through the complete range of motion (ROM) performed. When combined with multiple repetitions it builds strong, dense muscle tissue for functional muscle strength. An additional benefit of active exercise is that stretching of the affected arm muscles is controlled by the patient. This eliminates the possibility of overextension which might occur during therapist controlled passive stretching. Patient controlled active exercise quickly increases range of motion (ROM) while concurrently reducing muscle and joint stiffness. |
Heart Flex Stroke Rehab Exercises Are Silent And Portable
HeartFlex is silent and doesn't disrupt radio listening or TV viewing. It is compact, lightweight, and fits conveniently on a bedside table or in a bedside drawer. It also packs easily allowing the patient to perform stroke rehab exercises while traveling. |
Heart Flex Stroke Recovery Exercise Lowers Blood Sugar Levels
"This device has been used in several classes at The Diabetes Center. It is easy to demonstrate, and patients find it simple to use. It is lightweight and easy to maneuver. It would also travel well. It may be used in a standing or sitting position and can be effective for patients at varying degrees of fitness. We have observed drops in blood sugar from 10 to 60 points after only 5 minutes of activity."
--Denise Riesman RD,CDE / Beverly Krohn MS,RN,CDE, The Diabetes Center |
Easy Passive Resistance Exercises for Stroke Rehab Exercises |
HeartFlex's Passive Resistance Is Non-intimidating For Patients Undergoing Stroke Therapy
If a spasticity episode occurs during stroke therapy HeartFlex cannot snap back and injure because it is not powered by springs or bands. HeartFlex restores strength, flexibility, and conditioning by using easy resistance combined with multiple repetitions. Its resistance is similar to that of a hand moving underwater. Since it creates only passive resistance it cannot overload and damage weakened muscles and connectors on the affected side. It is not dangerous and noisy like weights and may be used in private. |
HeartFlex Targets Specific Functional Muscle Strength For Daily Tasks
HeartFlex arm exercise after stroke builds muscle strength through the complete range of motion (ROM) performed. Occupational Therapists (OTs) and Physical Therapists (PTs) use HeartFlex to prescribe the targeting of specific muscle groups and joint structures for strengthening and flexibility. |
HeartFlex Stroke Therapy Exercises For Hands and Arms Are Crucial For Stroke Recovery
Stroke rehabilitation exercise must include hand and arm rehab. HeartFlex uses multiple repetition to speed the creation of new neural pathways during stroke recovery. Regaining the ability to grasp and manipulate builds patient independence and self confidence. |
Don't Delay - Time is of the Essence. Therapists Say the Sooner Exercises for Stroke Recovery Begin the Better |
Walking For Health |
All death by disease is reduced by 50% if you walk just two miles per day -- New England Journal of Medicine, 1998, Volume 338, pages 94 and 95.
Walking two or more miles per day lowers the risk of cancer. -- New England Journal of Medicine, 1998, Volume 338, pages 94 and 95.
Order HeartFlex Today and Transform Walking for Health Into a Total Body Workout Program!